Acadia Hospital

Name :

Acadia Hospital

Address  :

268 Stillwater Avenue
PO Box 422

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

04402 0422

Phone  :

207 973 6100

Web URL  :


Acadia Hospital Overview
The primary mission of The Acadia Hospital and Acadia Healthcare is the provision of both hospitalbased and communitybased mental health and substance abuse treatment services to the people of Maine Acadia is a nonprofit acute care hospital and community mental health agency offering many different services

Acadia Mission
The primary mission of The Acadia Hospital is the provision of both hospitalbased and communitybased mental health and substance abuse treatment services to the people of Maine Reflecting the caring nature of its mission The Acadia Hospital is committed to providing quality services which foster dignity and a positive environment for children adolescents and adults with mental health and chemical dependency problems and to advocating for their mental physical and spiritual wellbeing

The services of The Acadia Hospital are responsive to individual needs and must be high quality costeffective and accessible achieving a balance between community needs and available resources The Acadia Hospital shall seek to continually improve services by promoting education of patients staff students families and the general public in matters of mental health and substance abuse The Acadia Hospital encourages nonpatient financed clinical and nonclinical research within guidelines approved by the Board of Directors

As part of the regional network of Eastern Maine Healthcare the mission of The Acadia Hospital shall be at all times consistent with and supportive of the goals of Eastern Maine Healthcare
Preventive medicines can help migraine sufferers

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An early diagnosis helps families plan for the future

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