Workington Infirmary


Name :

Workington Infirmary

Address  :

Infirmary Road

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Country  :


Post Code:

CA14 2UN

Phone  :

01946 693181

Fax  :

01946 523053

Web URL  :

Not Available
One in seven patients wait longer than six months for operations

One in seven patients wait longer than six months to be admitted to hospital for operations as critics warned that the Coalition is losing control of NHS waiting times An extra 150000 patients have been caught up in increased delays since the Coalition came to power according to a patient survey Patients also complained in larger numbers about th... Read More

Currys ability to fight bowel cancer will be put to the test in rigorous trial

A UK trial is investigating whether a curry ingredient can improve the treatment of patients with advanced bowel cancer Scientists will supplement standard chemotherapy with pills containing curcumin a compound found in the yellow curry spice turmeric Laboratory tests have suggested that curcumin can boost the ability of chemotherapy drugs to k... Read More