Woodside Clinic


Name :

Woodside Clinic

Address  :

88 Great Northern Road

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Phone  :

01582 608 400

Web URL  :


We are very proud of the practitioners that work in our clinics Everyone has a considerable commitment to Continual Professional Development and we regularly gather together for practice meetings These involve case discussions and more often than not include guest speakers Recent speakers include Eve Taylor founder of the Eve Taylor product range Professor Hosken Oncologist Professor Tim Watson Electrotherapy Professor Laurie Hartman Osteopathic techniques and Dr Daniel Fishman Rheumatologist Were also very proud of the fact that our therapists have received a variety of awards and honors

Our team share a passion for improving your health and a commitment to collaboration forging their individual expertise to achieve greater benefits for the patients and the community by providing treatments and therapeutic services in a caring environment
Growing number of hospital patients are malnourished when they die

While not recorded as the cause of death the quoteffects of hungerquot were noted on the death certificates of 301 people in England in 2010 up from 195 in 2001 The total of more than 2500 over the decade covered deaths that occurred in NHS hospitals and is likely to be an underestimate because deaths in nursing homes psychiatric hospitals or in t... Read More

Highlevel trauma care may limit disability

The findings researchers say add to evidence that patients fare better when theyre treated under an organized trauma system where hospitals emergency services and state governments have coordinated plans for getting the right patients to the appropriate treatment Socalled Level I trauma centers provide the most comprehensive care for traumatic ... Read More