Winchester District Memorial Hospital

Name :

Winchester District Memorial Hospital

Address  :

566 Louise Street

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Post Code:

K0C 2K0

Phone  :

613 774 2422

Fax  :

613 774 0453

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The Winchester District Memorial Hospital has adopted a number of statements that describe what the hosptial stands for what it aspires to be and what it holds dear

Our Mission
The Winchester District Memorial Hospital provides local access to acute and complex continuing care services requiring the expertise and technical support of an accredited hospital

Our Vision
The Winchester District Memorial Hospital

provides core hospital services to meet the current and evolving healthcare

develops a range of services to meet the evolving healthcare needs of the
community through strengthening linkages with other local and regional
service providers

plays an active role in enhancing the environment for patients staff and
volunteers through investments in people technology and facilities and

functions efficiently while adhering to established quality standards

Our Values

Commitment to Quality

We aim to meet or exceed recognized standards for quality and excellence in
the delivery of patient care

We value our ability to learn from each other and to continuously improve

Working Together

We are committed to working as a team to grow change and exceed

We believe that collaboration and teamwork together are essential to
excellent healthcare

We value the opinions and perspectives of all members of the health care


We value the physical emotional and spiritual health of our patients and

We care for our patients and their loved ones with dignity and concern


We promote informed participation in decisions related to care quality of
life and optimal level of wellness

We respect the privacy rights of all persons and realize the importance of
maintaining the confidentiality of the situations encountered and of the
people involved and by always keeping other persons confidences

We communicate honestly and openly and treat everyone at Winchester District
Memorial Hospital with equity and fairness


A History of Caring
Winchester District Memorial Hospital was officially opened on December 8 1948 The Hon George Challies MPP for GrenvilleDundas and the Hon Rusell Kelly Ontario Minister of Health presided Over 3000 people attended Mr Kelly donated a Mansfield woollen blanket to the first baby born at the hospital The local papers were quoted as saying it was quotfor the relief of Human sufferingquot The first patient on that day was 10year old Glendon Loucks who underwent minor surgery Four days later on the 24th the hospital registered its first birth that of a little girl born to Mrs Glenn Fetterly of Mountain The twostorey building had 32 beds Dr Howard Justus was the first Chief of Staff In the first year staff and physicians treated 1300 patients and delivered 245 babies

At the ceremony a scroll bearing the names of boys in the district killed in WWII was erected It was unveiled by Perley S Boyd clerk of the United Counties who noted there was no better tribute to war heroes than a hospital
Prior to this on October 4 1948 Ontario Minister of Health the Hon Rusell T Kelley officiated at the Laying of the Cornerstone as part of final construction Mr Walter C MacDonald Chairman of the Hospital Board assisted Close to 2000 Winchester and district citizens attended and a parade throughout the town was planned

Dr JJ McKendry is credited with starting the ball rolling when he sent a letter to the Editor of the Winchester Press in 1944 stating the need for a hospital in Winchester He envisioned a 25bed hospital

Walter C MacDonald became the first Chairman of the Board which was fitting since he was one of the most instrumental persons involved in the planning stages He was chairman of the provisional council set up to finance and organize a hospital and when the hospital received its charter in 1946 he became Chairman of the Board Other early Chairmen were Wallace D Carkner WJL Boyd Eric Casselman George Suffel Howard Biccum Stan Hicks WR Workman George E Elliott and Ed Hanson

On August 3 1948 a small group of women met in the Town Hall to discuss the impact the hospital was to have on the entire community and the need for an auxiliary force to assist Their efforts were led by Mrs Chester Robinson Mrs George Elliott was the first secretary and Miss Nora Elliott handled the meagre finances at the time

In 1955 a new administration wing was added at a cost of 36000 In the same year a blood bank was established

In 1960 the first major expansion was complete going from 35 to 89 beds at a cost of 700000 The new south wing included medical surgical and maternity beds more and larger operating rooms xray and lab facilities a new delivery suite a cafeteria a modern kitchen new laundry and board rooms a new nurses lounge and a pharmacy

Funds from the Harvey S Dillabough estate made possible the construction of a 140000 nurses residence It was officially opened on October 21 1964 by the Provincial Member for GrenvilleDundas Mr F M Cass

In 1968 a 16 million expansion included a 35bed chronic care unit relocation of the dietary unit a boiler room and the addition of a 16bed paediatric unit

In 1972 a new modern incinerator was built at a cost of 100000
In 1977 225000 was spent to create a new xray room family lounge pharmacy and nursing office The bed count had increased to 120 beds

In 1980 the Intensive Care Unit expanded to four beds at a cost of 105000
Five years later a 600000 project created a new stateoftheart lab a renovated xray department and emergency and outpatient departments
In 1992 the HELP campaign raised funds for infrastructure changes such as ventilation systems code upgrades and plumbing Ten years later the Renewing the Vision campaign was launched

On March 27 2009 the new Winchester District Memorial Hospital was officially opened resulting in the most technologicallyadvanced facility in rural Ontario

Today WDMH is a hub site for cancer care dialysis and cataract surgery and offer specialty clinics with visiting specialists from Ottawa hospitals
Heart shrinking trial aimed at combating heart failure to begin

The technique involves electrically stimulating nerves leading up to the heart with the hope it will reduce and size and improve life expectancy It has already been trialled on rats and dogs who were found to have been kept alive longer The first patient will be operated on next week by surgeons at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital and The Royal... Read More

Not in the pink of health

In India 125 lakh babies die within a year of being born which is one in every four infant deaths in the world making the countrys infant mortality rate of 471000 live births a lot worse than neighbouring Nepal Sri Lanka and Bangladesh Childbirth complications pneumonia and diarrhoeal infections cause two in three infant deaths under the a... Read More