Wentworth-Douglass Hospital

Name :

Wentworth-Douglass Hospital

Address  :

789 Central Avenue

Town  :


State  :

New Hampshire

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

603 742 5252

Web URL  :

  • Oncologist
  • Orthopedics
  • Pain Management

Total Number Of Beds : 178


WentworthDouglass is licensed for 178 beds today making it one of the largest acute care hospitals in the Seacoast The hospital strives to meet the medical needs of the community it serves changing as times change But just as in 1906 the patient is still the center of our timeless tradition of providing the best in compassionate and comprehensive care

Our Mission
We help individuals and their families attain their highest level of health

Our Vision
Be the highest quality community hospital and integrated healthcare system in Northern New England

Our Values
Teamwork Integrity Excellence Respect and Caring


WentworthDouglass Hospital was conceived as a 30 bed hospital on March 15 1904 when the Dover City Council accepted quotthe receipt in trust of a legacy under the will of the late Arioch Wentworthquot who gave quotto the town of Dover NH for a hospital to be called the Wentworthquot 100000 The hospital opened on August 30 1906

The Wentworth Hospital consisted of three cottagetype buildings connected by corridors the Mens Ward Womens Ward and Nurses Home and administrative building

All that remains today of the original buildings is a stone wall along Central Avenue In 1982 WentworthDouglass Hospital became the first Seacoast hospital to be designated as a trauma center and that same year the hospital separated from the city and incorporated as a nonprofit community hospital

WentworthDouglass is licensed for 178 beds today making it one of the largest acute care hospitals in the Seacoast The hospital strives to meet the medical needs of the community it serves changing as times change But just as in 1906 the patient is still the center of our timeless tradition of providing the best in compassionate and comprehensive care
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