Wansbeck Hospital

Name :

Wansbeck Hospital

Address  :

Woodhorn Lane

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

NE63 9JJ

Phone  :

0844 811 8111

Web URL  :

Wansbeck Hospital
  • Cardiology
  • Colon & Rectal Surgeon
  • Daibetes, Endocrinology
  • ENT
  • Gastro-enterology
  • General Medicine
  • General Surgeon
  • Gynaecology
  • Pain Management
  • Urology

Total Number Of Beds : 384


Wansbeck General Hospital is situated just off the A197 on the outskirts of Ashington Northumberland Opened in June 1993 the completion of phase 2 ten years later has seen the transfer of the remaining services from the old Ashington hospital to the new modern environment giving improved services and facilities for patients and visitors

The hospital employs around 2000 staff and deals with some 24000 inpatients 21000 outpatients 14000 day cases and 36000 emergency attendees each year It was one of two quotlow energyquot hospitals built in the UK under a department of health pilot scheme and won a green building of the year award in l993 and a building better healthcare award in 2003 for phase 2

The hospital has 15 wards and 384 beds for specialities such as general medicine surgery orthopaedics day surgery maternity amp gynaecology cardiology cath laboratory outpatients and therapies One of two additional new theatre suites is equipped with a voice activated computer that enables surgeons to give commands to camera equipment whilst carrying out keyhole surgery

There are some pleasant court yards and a magnificent lake within the hospital complete with famous totem pole Art abounds throughout the hospital and there is an entertainment and communications system at bedsides The hospital has a main restaurant for meals and two coffee shops offering a range of sandwiches and refreshments for visitors

Chaplains representing different faiths are available and may be contacted via the hospital switchboard at any time A modern Chapel is located on the ground floor and is available for people of all faiths and none
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