Walnut Tree Health Centre

Name :

Walnut Tree Health Centre

Address  :

Blackberry Court
Walnut Tree

Town  :

Milton Keynes

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

01908 691123

Fax  :

01908 396270

Web URL  :


Here we present all our patients with up to date news and information about our practice We will keep it current with any developments or other details that we feel are relevant to you

New patients joining our practice will be offered a consultation for a health check with a health care assistant or one of the practice nurses

For general medical advice NHS Direct is available 24 hours a day and is contactable by calling 0845 4647

Please have a look around and do send us some feedback if you like We can use your ideas to improve our online services and further develop the content of this site

Appointment Reminders

We are now able to offer a text messaging appointment reminder service to our patients Please ask at Reception for full details of this service

Internet Services

It is now possible to order your repeat prescription and bookcancel appointments over the internet using the links below If you wish to use this service you must bring in proof of ID photographic or a birth certificate to reception to register and collect a user guide Please ring or call into reception for further details
Lung transplant breakthrough hailed

Doctors believe a pioneering transplant technique which cleans and reconditions donor lungs could help save the lives of many patients desperately waiting for new organs A UKwide study has been welcomed by patients groups who claim it will bring hope to many with chronic lung disorders Only one in five of the potential donor lungs available i... Read More

Early antibiotics for blood poisoning could save thousands of lives doctor says

A Winnipeg doctor has a plan to save as many as 5000 Canadian lives for little cost Providing antibiotics to patients with severe sepsis a form of blood poisoning caused by infections soon after they roll through hospital doors Though it sounds simple enough some hospitals for both bureaucratic and philosophical reasons are not willing to jump on... Read More