Tickhill Road Hospital

Name :

Tickhill Road Hospital

Address  :

Tickhill Road

Town  :


State  :

South Yorkshire

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

01302 796000

Web URL  :


Tickhill Road Hospital is on the site of a former isolation hospital and sanatorium built between 1928 and 1930 The hospital consisted of two childrens wards where infectious diseases such as diphtheria and polio were treated a psychiatric unit female chest unit and sanatorium and male sanatorium which was located slightly away from the other wards The original kitchen is still in use as is the nurses building In the earliest days as an isolation or fever hospital the porters had to post a daily information bulletin on the perimeter fence to give details of patients conditions and of any deaths 1966 saw the opening of the elderly care unit with Ash Elm and Pine Wards opened by The Lord Amulree MD FRCP on 12 October Linden was added in the early 70s Its name was changed to Rowan Lodge and it is now a stroke unit These four wards providing elderly rehabilitation services transferred to management by this Trust from April 2002 to streamline services to patients leaving the acute hospital setting but needing further rehabilitation
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Tips to keep kids safe at home

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