The Steve Lodge Sports Injury and Rehabilitation Clinic

Name :

The Steve Lodge Sports Injury and Rehabilitation Clinic

Address  :

221 Desborough Avenue

Town  :

High Wycombe

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

HP11 2TW

Phone  :

01494 511172

Web URL  :


Steve Lodge is the clinics resident Physiotherapist Steve has many years of experience in and around the sporting world His involvment as a participant coach and teacher of sports has given him an ideal and more comprehensive background than most

Pair this with Steves many years of experience administering physiotherapy to all levels of sporting abilities and you have a greater depth of knowledge and a wider perspective than ordinary physiotherapists

This gives steve the ability to give advice on the appropriate diagnosis treatment exercise advice prevention and rehabilitation of all injuries

Steve has recently been asked to research the biomechanical changes of runners and footballers injuries caused by leg length discrepancy as a result of sacro iliac dysfunction Not only is this a demonstration of the regard with which Steve is held in the field but this knowledge helps to keep him at the forefront of his profession

Above all Steve is a friendly professional and highly able individual that can help to solve your problem
Handwashing found to cut hospital superbug infections

Handwashing helped slash rates of infection of methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA and C difficile in hospitals British researchers have found After the quotCleanyourhandsquot campaign rolled out at hospitals in England and Wales between 2004 and 2008 infection rates for the antibioticresistant strains fell The bacterial infections c... Read More

Better to transplant smokers lungs than staying on wait list UK study finds

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