The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (stanmore)

Name :

The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (stanmore)

Address  :

Brockley Hill

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Phone  :

020 8954 2300

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  • Anaesthesiology
  • Orthopedics
  • Paediatrics
  • Urology

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray


The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital RNOH has welcomed Royal visitors to its Stanmore site as it prepares to raise funds for its Redevelopment Appeal

His Royal Highness The Duke of York KG and his daughter Princess Eugenie visited the Trust following the RNOH Charitys commitment to raising pound15million over the next five years to fund vital projects for the phase one redevelopment of the hospital


The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust RNOH based in Brockley Hill Stanmore and Bolsover Street central London is a National Centre of Excellence which treats patients from across the UK many of whom have been referred by other hospital consultants for second opinions or treatment of complex or rare conditions Patients are also referred to the hospital from many other parts of the world

The RNOH was founded in 1905 with the amalgamation of Londons three specialist orthopaedic hospitals into a single centre of excellence and can thus trace its history back over 150 years to 1838

The hospital is located on two sites The main site the country branch is located in 112 green belt acres at Stanmore with the town branch located on Bolsover Street central London The town branch was also located at 234 Great Portland Street up until 1984

During the First World War the hospital became an emergency hospital for the military and in early 1918 also housed discharged disabled soldiers King George V and Queen Mary visited the hospital on two occasions

1920 saw the start of an hospital funds appeal with the first annual fundraising day Buttercup Day being launched by HRH the Duke of Gloucester Patron of the RNOH

In the 1930s the hospital became known as the leading centre for the treatment of poliomyelitis and tuberculosis and in 1936 the building of the Stanmore Cripples Training College was started

The RNOH was at the forefront of significant advances in the treatment of orthopaedic conditions in the first quarter of the twentieth century Advances in scientific investigations made the diagnosis of disabling conditions more accurate and often at an earlier stage in the patients illness This meant that patients for whom there would be no possible cure then had the opportunity to be relieved of their pain and deformity

The RNOH saw the outbreak of the Second World War with many Nissen huts being erected to house civilian orthopaedic cases and casualties Patients were brought from across the country including those from hospitals near the coast areas close to airfields and other military installations

In 1945 the RNOH was recognised as a postgraduate teaching hospital and it was recommended that an Institute of Orthopaedics should be founded and that it should be associated with the RNOH With the formation of the Institute came a joint appointment between the two centres that of Mr Herbert Seddon who in 1964 was awarded a Knighthood for his work in Orthopaedics

1948 saw the start of the National Health Service from which time the RNOH became an independent teaching hospital

The RNOHs work into orthopaedic care continued when in 1950 the hospital moved into the treatment of scoliosis back care leg inequality hand and peripheral nerve injuries

Training and research has played an important part in the hospitals work resulting in the development of dedicated units the training and teaching of consultants overseas as well as UK medical students and nurses

In 1979 HRH The Prince of Wales opened a Rehabilitation Assessment Unit built with funds raised by the British Motor Racing Drivers Association in memory of Graham Hill who had once been a patient of the hospital and a Council member of the Friends

Following years of research and treatment into spinal injures the RNOH opened one of the first of its kind Spinal Injuries Unit The London Spinal Unit was officially opened by HRH the Princess of Wales in 1984

In this new millennium patients continue to benefit from a team of highly specialised consultants many of whom are nationally and internationally recognised for their expertise and experience Consultants are supported in their work by nurses therapists and other specialist clinical staff who are trained under our experts in their fields of orthopaedic care

Today the RNOH is acknowledged as a leading centre of excellence offering a unique range of neuromusculoskeletal services ranging from the most acute spinal injury or complex bone tumour to orthopaedic medicine and specialist rehabilitation for back pain suffers

The hospital continues to play a major role in teaching with one in five orthopaedic surgeons in the UK training at the hospital and continues the tradition of leading edge and innovative research and development through the Institute of Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Science
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