The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Trust


Name :

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Trust

Address  :

Gayton Road

Town  :

Kings Lynn

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

PE30 4ET

Phone  :

01553 613613

Fax  :

01553 613700

Web URL  :


We are a forwardthinking acute hospital serving the communities of West Norfolk South Lincolnshire and North East Cambridgeshire On this web site you will find information on the services we provide how to get to us and general healthcare information
New challenges as survey shows hospitals can leave you feeling worse

One in sixteen patients in hospital last year had an infection contracted as a result of their medical care that made them sicker rather than better A snapshot survey carried out in England last October and November shows what unhealthy places hospitals are Some 64 per cent of patients in hospital at any one time during 2011 were found to have... Read More

80 healthcare professionals attend Metabolic Dieticians Workshop

Out of nearly 160000 babies screened at Hamad Medical Corporation HMC for metabolic disorders in the last nine years about 270 babies have tested positive a leading neonatal expert said Professor George Hoffmann chairman of paediatrics at Heidelberg University Hospital Germany was speaking at the Second Middle East Metabolic Dieticians Workshop h... Read More