The New Zealand Institute of Community Health Care


Name :

The New Zealand Institute of Community Health Care

Address  :

24 McDougall Avenue
PO Box 36126

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Phone  :

64 0 3 375 4635

Fax  :

64 0 3 355 2051

Web URL  :


About the Institute
signage3smThe New Zealand Institute of Community Health Care was established by the Nurse Maude Foundation in August 2007 with the specific purpose of providing a centre of excellence for research and development projects that would lead directly to tangible improvements and the development of relevant services in community health

Mission Statement
To contribute to best practice and improved patient outcomes in community health care through the integration of education research and clinical practice


The concept of the Institute began when Sheree East Director of Nursing Nurse Maude developed the dream of a centre of excellence in nursing research during an NZIM course and presented this idea to the Nurse Maude Board At the time Sheree was constantly urging for nursing to be evidencebased and saw research with the establishment of an Institute as the way to make this happen

The Nurse Maude Board then approached Dr Chris Hendry to produce a feasibility report on the establishment of a Research Institute Once this was a viable option a Working Party made up of the current Board members was formed in late 2007 By the beginning of 2008 the New Zealand Institute of Community Health Care was established with Chris Hendry appointed as Director Chris spent 2008 initially building relationships with Nurse Maude staff which then expanded to external organisations as well as setting up systems for research processes

The establishment of the Institute was completed by the employment of an Administrator in late 2008 and a Research Nurse at the beginning of 2009 With the full compliment of staff the Institute has forged many more relationships and has set up the research process and manual for Nurse Maude It has facilitated research for Nurse Maude and a variety of other organisations as well as providing consultancy services

The official launch of the Institute was held in June 2009
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