The Midland Eye Institute

Name :

The Midland Eye Institute

Address  :

50 Lode Lane

Town  :


State  :

West Midlands

Country  :


Post Code:

B91 2AW

Phone  :

0121 711 2020

Fax  :

0121 711 4040

Web URL  :


The Midland Eye Institute is a private ambulatory surgery centre that was conceived and implemented by a group of teaching hospital consultant eye surgeons They were of the opinion that eye care and eye surgery are so special and so different from other types of medical care that this should be done in a dedicated centre also in the private sector The aim was to establish a surgical centre that would fulfill the highest quality demands that could be made on it
New UK obesity centre offers surgery to teens

A London hospital has set up the United Kingdoms first specialist centre offering extreme weight loss surgery for children and teenagers Childhood obesity rates are rising fast in the UK with latest statistics showing that a third of children aged 1011 in England suffer from obesity or weight issues In Southwark the south London borough where... Read More

Tips to keep kids safe at home

Every day in New Zealand an average of 22 children are admitted to hospital because of unintentional injuries or accidents For young children birth to 4 years old most of these injuries happen at home Media stories have reported on recent home injuries with serious and fatal consequences fires caused by kids playing with matches and lighters poi... Read More