The Kirby Road Surgery


Name :

The Kirby Road Surgery

Address  :

58 Kirby Road

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

01582 609121

Fax  :

01582 472002

Web URL  :


The History of the Surgery
Kirby Road Surgery began with Dr Royall who set up practice on his own in 1976 after working at the Kingsbury Court Surgery from 1962 He initially worked in a small surgery which was behind Argos and opposite Asda supermarket in Queensway Dunstable

After Dr Oliver OToole joined Dr Royall in 1980 the Practice began to grow with more patients joining the list By the time Dr Nicholas Curt joined in 1984 the Practice had grown to such an extent that it was necessary to build a new surgery in Kirby Road

Dr Patricia Hulse joined the Practice in 1989 but left to raise her family in 2000 when Dr Catherine Sykes joined When Dr Royall retired in 1992 Dr Paul Maddock joined and worked until 2001 being replaced by Dr Marcel Schutte

In addition to the Doctors there are 23 members of staff including a Practice Manager 3 nurses a Health Care Assistant 3 Secretaries and various Receptionists with special responsibilities

Our Practice continues to grow and hopefully evolve to meet the challenges required in a busy modern General Practice
Care plan concerns at psychiatric hospital

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Take the Sting Out of Shots

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