The Eye Hospital


Name :

The Eye Hospital

Address  :

262 Charles Street

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State  :


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Post Code:


Phone  :

03 6334 4960

Fax  :

03 6334 3989

Web URL  :


In 1990 Dr Nicholas Downie and Dr Rodney Westmore met to consider the impact of recent and future advances in the technology of ophthalmic care and how they might best be harnessed for the benefit of the population of Tasmania with particular attention to the north of the state

In order to best meet the needs of the community it was decided to establish a facility dedicated to medical and surgical ophthalmology In 1993 The Eye Hospital opened its doors to the public providing a purpose built facility incorporating consulting rooms and day theatre specifically designed for ophthalmic care

Since opening The Eye Hospital has obtained full accreditation with the Australian Council on Health Care Standards In 1996 it was decided to expand the facility to allow additional room for Excimer Laser surgery to be done locally and to accommodate the rapid growth of The Eye Hospitals medical team and patient numbers

The Eye Hospital also provides theatre facilities for dental procedures requiring general anaesthesia to be done in a safe and controlled environment

Third of asthmatics risk a fatal attack study suggests

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How To Get A Good Nights Sleep

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