The Dove Clinic for Integrated Medicine


Name :

The Dove Clinic for Integrated Medicine

Address  :

The Old Brewery
High Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

SO21 1RG

Phone  :

01962 718000

Fax  :

01962 717060

Web URL  :


About us
The Dove Clinic offers a wide spectrum of complementary treatments and therapies delivered by a dedicated team of professionals under the direction of one of the leading experts in the field Dr Julian Kenyon

Dr Julian Kenyon is FounderChairman of the British Medical Acupuncture society in 1980 and CoFounder of the Centre for the Study of Complementary Medicine in Southampton and London where he worked for many years He is also FounderPresident of the British Society for Integrated Medicine and is an established authority in the field of complementary treatment approaches for a wide range of medical conditions
All babies may be vaccinated against a dangerous stomach bug

All babies may be vaccinated against a dangerous stomach bug that is a leading cause of hospital admissions for the under fives after officials asked for a cost effectiveness analysis A vaccine against rotavirus has been available for years but has not been offered universally in Britain due to cost Now ministers have asked for a cost effective... Read More

Support Groups A Lifeline for People in the Early Stages of Alzheimers Disease

quotIt was like opening the door to a sunlit roomquot says a member of Phyllis Dycks support group recalling the first time she attended a meeting for people in the early stages of Alzheimers disease Never before had she been with other people who understood what it was like to live with the disease Caregiver support groups have been around for ... Read More