Tarporley War Memorial Hospital


Name :

Tarporley War Memorial Hospital

Address  :

14 Park Road

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Post Code:


Phone  :

01829 732436

Fax  :

01829 732081

Web URL  :

  • General Surgeon
  • Orthopedics

Total Number Of Beds : 17


Tarporley War Memorial Hospital is a small independent charitable trust hospital with 17 in patient beds located in the heart of rural Cheshire Despite its independent status the hospital works closely with the National Health Service to ensure that services are constantly improved to meet the changing needs of local people


Tarporley Hospital was opened in 1919 by Mrs Marshall Brookes of Portal Originally it had been a large private house standing in its own substantial grounds and was purchased with money collected in Tarporley and surrounding villages as a memorial to the dead of the 1st World War A ward in the form of an ex army hut was attached to the side of the house The first doctor in charge of treatment at the Hospital was Dr CM Hewer FRCS and the wards were staffed by a Matron and two Nurses who were accommodated on the first floor of the House

In 1931 Dr PA Campbell arrived on the scene and took over from Dr Hewer who was nearing retirement age Then in 1937 a new Female Ward and Operating Theatre were added as a result of a substantial bequest from the de Knoop family in memory of their son Patients continued to receive excellent treatment and surgical operations were performed by Dr Campbell assisted by Dr Arthur of Bunbury

Until 1948 the Hospital was financed by local voluntary contributions but then the NHS took over the whole building and its surrounding lands However by 1970 small hospitals throughout the country were coming under threat of closure and Tarporley was no exception The people of Tarporley and surrounding villages began a Save our Hospital campaign and in 1978 a League of Friends was formed to lead the fight

In 1982 the first major project to improve the Hospital took place in the form of a New Day Room which was erected at the rear of the Male Ward This was financed by the League of Friends and named the Bibby Room after Lady Bibby who opened it and contributed towards it This enabled walking patients to relax read partake of Occupational Therapy and watch TV etc It also enabled day patients to attend

Throughout the eighties intense negotiations took place to enable the Hospital to remain open Sir Donald Wilson NHS Dr Sandy Campbell Hospital Doctor and Mr Barry Evans Chairman of the League of Friends met on numerous occasions and eventually in 1987 a compromise was reached The NHS sold off the surrounding land handed over the Hospital to a newly formed Trust and made a grant of pound55000 towards a complete rebuild

The league of Friends matched this offer and the combined sum allowed for the Male Ward to be completely rebuilt the Female Ward to be renovated and five single rooms one double room and a physiotherapy room to be added

Many local charities including Rotary Round Table Freemasons Royal British Legion Tarporley Royal British Legion Bunbury numerous private and public donations and bequests also helped

The newly formed Trust and newly appointed Manager became responsible for the daytoday administration of the Hospital and this continues to the present day

Local GPs agreed to be responsible for the inhouse treatment of patients

In 1999 the operating theatre was updated and Specialist Consultant rooms were added financed by the League of Friends which has now supported the Hospital for 25 years Then in 2001 the Kitchen the Physiotherapy Room Storage Space Mortuary and many other features were adapted and added to the Hospital financed by a generous bequest from Mr Reg Clarke of Bunbury

Many other features have been added more recently including automatic doors patient hoists specialist beds an automatic bath etc as a result of personal gifts donations and bequests

There have also been many fundraising efforts by the League of Friends and by the people of Tarporley and District Special mention should be made of two recent fund raisers Winnie Bond of Bunbury sponsored parachute jump and Ian Swafffield of Tarporley sponsored walk

Tarporley and District is naturally proud of and grateful for its own Hospital which has faithfully served the village and its surrounding villages for eighty five years

The Hospital looks forward to continued support over the coming years
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