St Andrew's Ipswich Private Hospital

Name :

St Andrew's Ipswich Private Hospital

Address  :

Cnr Roderick & Pring Streets
P O Box 839

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

07 3816 9999

Fax  :

07 3816 9900

Web URL  :


About St Andrews Ipswich Private Hospital
St Andrews is a 101 bed community hospital that services the West Moreton region which encompasses areas from Boonah Gatton and surrounding areas west to Toowoomba and east into Springfield Springfield Lakes Forest Lake through to Jindalee and many other western Brisbane suburbs

St Andrews provides surgical medical obstetrics paediatrics Critical Care Unit 4 beds with 24 hour Inhouse Medical cover a Day Surgery unit that compliments our four operating theatres and an After Hours Medical Service that provides support to the general practitioners in the region

We are located in the medical precinct of Ipswich adjacent to the CBD with specialist rooms within a 5 minute walk of the hospital We have onsite radiology services and pharmacy Parking is available in the hospital car park and also in the surrounding streets

St Andrews Ipswich Private Hospital staff are committed individuals who strive to provide high quality outcomes to our clients and the wider community

St Andrews is committed to continue to be the leading Health Care Provider for Ipswich and surrounding areas

We aim to create and maintain a modern secure and positive work environment where Doctors and Staff can deliver quality service and patient care

We value and encourage respect and dignity for the individual take pride in our achievements and aim to grow our business through innovation and the development of clinical services


St Andrews Ipswich Private Hospital History
St Andrews commenced as a hospital in 1909 under the ownership of local doctors and has changed significantly over the ensuing years in developing clinical services Part of the original building still stands on the corner of Roderick and Pring Street and now houses the Executive Offices for the hospital

In 2005 St Andrews become a part of Ramsay Health Care and has developed over the years in line with the needs of the surrounding city of Ipswich and has developed into a modern acute care hospital
Hospital infections down but new strains emerging

Controlling hospital infections such as salmonella and Ecoli must be a priority say experts While there has been a drop in rates of the superbug MRSA and C difficile other infections like E coli appear to have taken their place they say Health Protection Agency data gives a snapshot of infection rates and antibiotic use by NHS hospitals in En... Read More

Early antibiotics for blood poisoning could save thousands of lives doctor says

A Winnipeg doctor has a plan to save as many as 5000 Canadian lives for little cost Providing antibiotics to patients with severe sepsis a form of blood poisoning caused by infections soon after they roll through hospital doors Though it sounds simple enough some hospitals for both bureaucratic and philosophical reasons are not willing to jump on... Read More