Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust


Name :

Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Address  :

2nd Floor, Mallard Court
Express Park

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

01278 432000

Fax  :

01278 432099

Web URL  :

Email  :


The Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust was authorised on 1 May 2008 The predecessor organisation Somerset Partnership NHS and Social Care Trust was formed in 1999 and was the first integrated health and social care partnership trust in England

The partnership brought together the Avalon NHS Trust which was the mental health service provider for most of the county of Somerset with some of the mental health services formerly provided in North East Somerset by the Bath and Wiltshire NHS Trust and also some social care services provided by Somerset County Council

The provision of social care services by the Partnership Trust is not subject to a Section 31 agreement County Council staff are attached to the Partnership Trust within an integrated management structure and remain employees of Somerset County Council

What we do

We provide a wide range of specialist mental health and learning disability health and social care services to over 530000 people across Somerset We deliver

comprehensive mental health and social care services for older people
comprehensive mental health and social care services for adults
community and inpatient child and adolescent mental health services
community based specialist health services for adults with learning disabilities

We also offer services to support people with other specialist needs including Aspergers Syndrome eating disorders personality disorders and countywide specialist substance misuse services to young people under the age of 18 Orchard Lodge our young peoples ward provides beds for Dorset Devon and Cornwall as well as Somerset

Services are provided in partnership with other statutory agencies and a range of voluntary sector providers Community services are delivered in peoples homes and other nonNHS premises as well as community team bases

Our Vision Statement
Our vision is to be the mental health service provider of choice for the people of Somerset and increasingly for the South West

Our goals are independence recovery and social inclusion for the people who need our services We will achieve these by providing excellent innovative and userresponsive services in partnership with them their families carers and other agencies

Our strategy to achieve this vision focuses on four strategic objectives

continuous quality improvement

service redesign to maximise efficiency and deliver effective care through partnership working

innovation to ensure that we can deliver the mental health services the people of Somerset need so they are not required to travel outside the county for care

service expansion into primary care the provision of secondary care and specialist services to neighbouring populations and wider health and social care services provision


History of Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
The Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust was authorised on 1 May 2008 The predecessor organisation Somerset Partnership NHS and Social Care Trust was formed in 1999 and was the first integrated health and social care partnership trust in England

We have continued to earn the reputation as a forward thinking innovative trust for example

First trust to implement a comprehensive electronic patient record system

Internationally recognised Family Therapy and Family Support Model

Being part of a consortium providing services nationally for the Ministry of Defence

South West Regional provider of the Deaf Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service

Our Vision Statement
Our vision is to be the mental health service provider of choice for the people of Somerset and increasingly for the South West

Our goals are independence recovery and social inclusion for the people who need our services We will achieve these by providing safe excellent innovative and userresponsive services in partnership with them their families carers and other agencies
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