Saint James Hospital

Name :

Saint James Hospital

Address  :

111 Central Avenue

Town  :


State  :

New Jersey

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Post Code:


Phone  :

973 877 5000

Web URL  :


Established by the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor in 1867 Saint Michaels Medical Center is a 357bed regional tertiarycare teaching and research center in the heart of Newarks business and educational district and is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations Combining stateoftheart technology the latest diagnostic and therapeutic procedures cuttingedge research and a network of highly qualified physicians nurses and allied health professionals the hospital provides topquality healthcare services delivered with compassionate care

The first medical institution in New Jersey to perform openheart surgery and the first to develop a cardiac catheterization program Saint Michaels Medical Center is home to the Heart and Vascular Institute which offers a comprehensive array of innovative cardiac treatments and procedures

The Regional Cancer Center located on the Saint Michaels Medical Center campus provides patients with stateoftheart cancer treatment through the seamless integration of medical surgical and radiation oncology services The Connie Dwyer Breast Center at Saint Michaels Medical Center offers the most innovative diagnostics and procedures currently available for the treatment of breast cancer and other breast diseases while also providing screening services and a host of educational and support programs

Saint Michaels Medical Center has long enjoyed an outstanding reputation as a premier teaching and research institution and remains an international leader in the treatment and study of infectious diseases such as HIVAIDS and hepatitis A major teaching affiliate of the Seton Hall University School of Graduate Medical Education the New England College of Osteopathic Medicine and Saint Georges University School of Medicine the hospital offers residencies and fellowships in anesthesia cardiology emergency medicine gastroenterology hematologyoncology infectious diseases nephrology pulmonarycritical care medicine and podiatry

Nonacute services at the Saint James Campus of Saint Michaels Medical Center in Newarks East Ward include a 24hour 7day urgent care center prenatal care behavioralhealth services and health education A shuttle service is available for anyone who needs transportation from the Saint James Campus to nearby Saint Michaels Medical Center The Columbus Campus of Saint Michaels Medical Center located in the North Ward also features a fully staffed and fully equipped 24hour 7day urgent care center Imaging services and a prenatal clinic for North Ward residents are also available at the Columbus Campus

The mission of Saint Michaels Medical Center a member of Catholic Health East sponsored by Hope Ministries rooted in the healing ministry of Jesus is to provide excellence in health care to the communities we serve integrating principles of inclusion educating the next generation of care providers and focusing on treating all persons in the Franciscan tradition of compassion dignity respect and commitment to poor and marginalized persons
Large city hospitals breed and spread MRSA

Hospitals in large cities are the breeding grounds of the superbug MRSA which then spreads to other hospitals as patients are transferred researchers believe The Edinburgh University team made the discovery by tracking MRSAs movements using its genetic code as a tag In the study the infection started its journey in large city centre hospitals... Read More

RTI forces RML hospital to adopt radiation safety measures

Countrys premier super speciality hospital Ram Manohar Lohia RML lacked radiation safety measures till an application under transparency law Right To Information RTI was filed Ghayshyam of east Delhi filed an innocous application in July 2011 asking RML whether it has taken measures to provide safety to patients against radiation from medica... Read More