Rotherham Hospice

Name :

Rotherham Hospice

Address  :

Broom Road

Town  :


State  :

South Yorkshire

Country  :


Post Code:

S60 2SW

Phone  :

01709 308 900

Web URL  :


About us
The Rotherham Hospice is a registered charity and is the only adult hospice for the people of Rotherham and surrounding villages We began offering day care services in 1994 and over the years have grown not only in size and premises but also in the range of care and services available for local people

Our services are available to anyone over the age of 18 years with a life limiting illness Our dedicated team of staff and volunteers work together to provide specialist palliative care that incorporates psychological physical social and spiritual support to help patients and their families achieve the very best quality of life both at home and in the Hospice

Our care places the patient at the centre of everything we do and not the illness

The care and help we provide is given free of charge and we rely on voluntary donations and some statutory funding to meet our running and development costs Our ability to meet the needs of the community we serve is very dependent on the support of local people groups businesses and organisations
New strains of hospital bugs emerging

The HPA report which gives a snapshot of infection rates and antibiotic use last autumn found that while rates of MRSA and Clostridium difficile continue to fall other infections such as E coli and salmonella are taking their place The total prevalence of healthcareassociated infections HCAIs decreased from 82 in 2006 to 64 in 2011 though this h... Read More

Mothers milk and touch best for infants health

Becoming a mother can be both exhilarating and daunting Not just first time mothers but even those who have experienced the joy of motherhood earlier can go through a period of selfdoubt wondering whether she is doing the right thing to keep her newborn safe Doctors say two simple interventions exclusive breastfeeding and maximum skintoskin co... Read More