Rochester Methodist Hospital


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Rochester Methodist Hospital

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201 West Center Street

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507 266 7890

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Rochester Methodist Hospital


About Rochester Methodist
Mayo Clinic Rochester Methodist Hospital and Saint Marys Hospital form an integrated medical center Mayo Clinic patients who need hospitalization are cared for in one of the two Mayo Clinic hospitals in Rochester The hospitals serve only Mayo Clinic patients and are staffed exclusively by Mayo Clinic doctors A single administrative team manages both hospitals to most efficiently serve patients needs

Rochester Methodist Hospital located in the heart of Mayo Clinics downtown campus provides a broad range of services in most medical specialties


History of Rochester Methodist Hospital
In 1906 John H Kahler started a company to build additional hospital facilities for patients in close proximity to the Mayo brothers offices in downtown Rochester He built dualpurpose hotelhospitals complete with operating rooms

In the early 1950s the Kahler Corporation opted to get out of the hospital business A group of citizens including former US Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun then a Mayo Clinic legal counsel persuaded the Methodist Church to assume sponsorship of the hospitals in 1954 In 1966 the older facilities were replaced with a new 794bed facility dedicated as Rochester Methodist Hospital

In 1986 Mayo Clinic RMH and Saint Marys Hospital integrated their operations under one governing board to more efficiently serve the needs of Mayo patients
Hospital discharge criticism

The Care Quality Commission CQC which is responsible for reviewing practices at health providers across the UK raised concerns over the hospitals ability to coordinate care for patients when they are discharged to other services The review was designed to see what progress had been made since concerns were first outlined last year The CQC rep... Read More

Health care turns deadly

CORNWALL The prognosis is not good for the Canadian health system according to William Charney and Michael Hurley who brought their message to Cornwall Thursday As many as 63000 Canadians will die from a medical error or hospitalacquired infection this year making it the second leading cause of death they say They say research shows 18 of Ca... Read More