Rochester General Hospital


Name :

Rochester General Hospital

Address  :

1425 Portland Avenue

Town  :


State  :

New York

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Post Code:


Phone  :

585 922 4000

Web URL  :

  • Oncologist
  • Orthopedics

Total Number Of Beds : 528


About Us
Serving the community of greater Rochester NY and beyond Rochester General Health System RGHS has been providing for the healthcare needs of residents of western and central New York State for more than 150 years

The seven RGHS affiliates are Rochester General Hospital RGH a 528bed tertiary care facility and the flagship of the system the 120bed NewarkWayne Community Hospital primarily serving Wayne County longterm care facilities Hill Haven and DeMay Living Center Rochester General Medical Group with more than 40 practices throughout Monroe and Wayne counties Behavioral Health Network a key area resource for adult and pediatric care and Independent Living for Seniors ILS a program enabling area elderly men and women to live safely in their own homes while being served by comprehensive medical and support services

Rochester General Health System and its affiliates regularly earn national recognition for excellence in a variety of clinical specialties RGHS is the only area health system to be rated by SDI as one of the Top 100 Integrated Health Networks in the United States Rochester General Hospital ranks first in New York State for Overall Medical Care according to the latest report from CareChexreg a division of The Delta Group RGHs Rochester Heart Institute the fourth largest cardiac center in New York State has been recognized nine times as one of the nations 100 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals and is ranked by CareChex as the states number one Overall Cardiac Care Program

With its clinically integrated affiliates delivering comprehensive healthcare services with superior quality safety and patient satisfaction RGHS continues to be one of the fastest growing health systems in New York State Now the thirdlargest employer in the greater Rochester region Rochester General Health System has also created a strategic alliance with Rochester Institute of Technology RIT that allows for meaningful and productive collaboration on biomedical research and education

Our Mission
To improve the health of the people served by providing high quality care a comprehensive range of services convenient and timely access with exceptional service and compassion

Our Vision
Rochester General Hospital and its affiliates will be the healthcare provider of choice for physicians and patients delivering the healthcare we expect for our own family recognized for

Exceptional quality

Unparalleled service and patient experience

Great place to work and practice

Academic programs and research that support core clinical missions

Clinically integrated affiliates

Our Values
Our values are the guiding principles that serve as the foundation for everything we think say and do They are our organizational code of conduct and signify what we stand for We refuse to be less than what these values represent Any philosophy policy practice or behavior that is outside of these values is unacceptable and will either be improved or removed

Every Customer Every Encounter Every Time

To serve our community is a privilege and an obligation We excel in our sensitivity to the needs of those we serve Everyday we live our mission through serving our community

Together we can do great things for people in need One team with one goal to be one Great Health System Always

We are a quotcan doquot team We are grateful for the opportunities that are presented each and every day Through positive energy we can and we will meet the needs of those we serve

Public trust demands the highest respect for those we serve and for those with whom we work the team members who share our mission in all situations and with all people We are here to better the lives of others and we are profoundly aware of the value of each human being

We pledge to our community the highest standards of respect patient safety and clinical excellence We will do no harm Do it right Do it now We are extraordinary people called to do extraordinary work
Huntingtons disease lowers cancer risk

People with Huntingtons disease a debilitating brain condition appear have a quotprotectionquot from cancer according to a study in Sweden Nearly 40 years of medical records showed patients with Huntingtons had half the normal expected risk of developing tumours Researchers writing in The Lancet Oncology said the reason was unclear Cancer ... Read More

People With Alzheimers Disease and Related Dementias Speak Out

quotI want to do as much as I can before this thing cuts me offquot quotThis thingquot is Vascular Dementia a form of dementia resulting from a single or multiple strokes Cynthia Williams wants you to know what its like to live with dementia quotI want people to know how humiliating it is to be treated like someone who has something so terrib... Read More