Probus Surgical Centre


Name :

Probus Surgical Centre

Address  :

Tregony Road

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

01726 882745

Fax  :

01726 883945

Web URL  :

  • Daibetes, Endocrinology
  • Paediatrics
  • Podiatry
  • Psychiatrist


Welcome to Probus Surgical Centre

Probus Surgical Centre has been providing NHS specialist day case surgery under local anaesthetic in a primary healthcare setting since 1995 The centre which undertakes approximately 4000 procedures a year is colocated with Probus Surgery near Truro offering a lowkey relaxed environment for surgical patients

Patient care is paramount

The way we look after our patients reflects the centres ethos that patient care is our paramount consideration The operations performed at Probus are low risk procedures which can be safely and effectively performed under local anaesthetic Our clinical facilities are modern and well equipped and through these and our staff we offer a high standard of patient care accredited by the PCT as Practitioners with a Special Surgical Interest GPwSI deliver a wide range of day case surgical procedures In addition to this a team of consultant surgeons from the local acute hospital are preparing to support us with a wide range of additional services a full registration

Patient Satisfaction

The quality of the service is monitored closely with high patient satisfaction whilst the cost to the healthcare budgets in Cornwall is significantly less than elsewhere nationally Please see the Audits amp Evaluation section for more information
Royal Brompton Hospital one of best for lung cancer screening

According to Cancer Research UK lung cancer is the second most common cancer among men in the UK and is the third most common cancer among women but doctors at a leading hospital say they are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer Our doctors nurses and other healthcare staff are leading experts in the diagnosis and treatment of l... Read More

Tips to keep kids safe at home

Every day in New Zealand an average of 22 children are admitted to hospital because of unintentional injuries or accidents For young children birth to 4 years old most of these injuries happen at home Media stories have reported on recent home injuries with serious and fatal consequences fires caused by kids playing with matches and lighters poi... Read More