Portsmouth Regional Hospital

Name :

Portsmouth Regional Hospital

Address  :

333 Borthwick Avenue

Town  :


State  :

New Hampshire

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

603 436 5110

Web URL  :

  • Neuro Surgeon
  • Oncologist

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray


Above all else we are committed to the care and improvement of human life in the communities we serve In recognition of this commitment we strive to deliver high quality safe cost effective healthcare

Our vision is to be the most caring comprehensive cost effective provider of quality healthcare services to our patients and to those we serve

The following value statements are essential and timeless

Individualized Care
We believe each patient is an individual a member of a family and a member of the community and that each requires varied amounts of physical emotional psychological social and spiritual support regardless of race color creed national origin or economic status

We believe each staff member is a valued vital part of our health care team and our professional staff are leaders in patient centered care

We believe in the worth of the interdisciplinary health team which is enhanced by collaborative planning and outcomes evaluation among members of the health care team

We believe in fostering a friendly caring and safe environment in which the patient comes first

We believe in conducting ourselves in an ethical and honest manner at all times

We value continuously improving upon everything we do to achieve excellence in performance


Since our beginnings in 1884 Portsmouth Hospital has delivered quality care to the Seacoast community Today Portsmouth Regional Hospital ranks among the top hospitals nationwide

1884 Citizens of Portsmouth founded Cottage Hospital a 10 bed acute care facility on Court Street Today this building is known as The Aldrich House

1885 A new hospital was built on Junkins Avenue near Mill Pond For over 100 years Portsmouth Hospital continued to expand and diversify to meet the communitys healthcare needs

Portsmouth Hospital 18851987

For further information about the early history of Portsmouth Hospital we encourage you to visit some fascinating books in the Portsmouth Public Library

The Changing Humors of Portsmouth The Medical Biography of an American Town 16231983 by J Worth Estes and David M Goodman copyright 1986

Historic Portsmouth by James L Garvin copyright 1974

A Historical Calendar of Portsmouthby Frances Mathes copyright 1907

1985After an extensive longrange planning process the Trustees of Portsmouth Hospital determined that the communitys health was best served by the hospital becoming part of a sophisticated national healthcare system The Hospital was sold to HCA Hospital Corporation of America and the proceeds of that sale became the assets of a new private foundation The Foundation for Seacoast Health In addition to making grants to healthrelated initiatives The Foundation continues its community oversight of Portsmouth Regional Hospital appointing eight of the nine Hospital Trustees

1987Portsmouth Regional Hospital and Pavilion a new stateoftheart facility on Borthwick Avenue opened The Pavilion is the Seacoasts first and only inpatient behavioral health facility

1987 1997 This was a period of great expansion in our medical resources Over 100 new physicians joined our medical staff adding many new specialties

1987 In its inaugural year Portsmouth Regional Hospital

Opened the Seacoasts first cardiac catheterization lab Brought mobile MRI services to the Seacoast Introduced Neurosurgery Lithotripsy Pain Management
and Occupational Health specialties Performed the Seacoasts first limb reattachment

1988 Portsmouth Regional Hospital was named Business of the Year by the Greater Seacoast Chamber of Commerce

1989 Became the leader in Seacoast deliveries in 1989 and has maintained this lead

Began laparoscopic surgery one of the first hospitals in the state
Participated in a national study demonstrating that emergency angioplasty could be done in community hospitals with better patient outcomes

Portsmouth Regional Hospital Groundbreaking 1987

1990 Introduced several new medical specialties

Rehabilitation Medicine Physiatry Infectious Disease a Seacoast first
1992 Introduced Nephrology

1993 Chosen as site to train foreign surgeons in total knee replacement

1995 Opened the Sleep Center a diagnostic and treatment center for sleep disorders

1995 The Chest Pain Center opened significantly improving outcomes for heart attack patients by shortening the time between diagnosis and treatment

1997 Launched vital new patient resources

Diabetes Resource Center
Inpatient dialysis

1998 Cancer Care Services opened a new medical oncology unit

1999 The Heart amp Lung Center at Portsmouth Regional Hospital launched the Cardiac Surgery Program a collaborative effort of cardiologists from five Seacoast hospitals The program featured a new stateoftheart surgical facility and a worldclass cardiac surgery team

2000 Participated in Top Off the Federal bioterrorism exercise Portsmouth Regional South building in Hampton opened

2002 Continuing growth in quality and services

The Emergency Center completed a major expansion from 8 to 22 rooms

The Ambulatory Surgery Center opened providing costeffective streamlined
day surgery

Heart amp Lung Center performed its 1500th cardiac surgery case

Our Neurosurgery service acquired a stateoftheart imageguided surgery
system the first in NH

A joint radiation therapy program with Wentworth Douglass Hospital was
Hope of a painfree needle to end injection trauma

Who would argue with a painfree injection Nobody loves the thought of a needle piercing their skin least of all doctors and dentists who have to deal with stressed and anxious patients Scientists have been working on this problem for a while but a young British inventor based in Somerset may have come up with the solution Oliver Blackwells... Read More

Diagnosis of Diseases Through Ages

Diagnosis of diseases in the past involved very primitive equipments Cutting edge technology as is seen today was not heard of in the past KG Hospital when established in the year 1974 had very few gadgets to diagnose equipments However every effort was made to import advanced and sophisticated equipments as were available in the West so as to make... Read More