Park Hill Private Hospital

Name :

Park Hill Private Hospital

Address  :

Thorne Road

Town  :


State  :

South Yorkshire

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

01302 730300

Fax  :

01302 322499

Web URL  :

  • Cosmetic Surgery

Total Number Of Beds : 17

Other Facilities

  • CT/MRI


Park Hill Private Hospital South Yorkshire

Park Hill Hospital is one of South Yorkshires leading private hospitals with an excellent reputation for delivering high quality healthcare treatments and services Located in Doncaster the hospital currently has 17 bedrooms and a four bedded day care unit all with en suite facilities

By investing in advanced medical technology the hospital offers a wide range of treatments and services The fully equipped ultra clean air theatre is particularly suitable for orthopaedic procedures offered such as arthroscopy and hip and knee replacement The day unit is suitable for minor operations
Hospital discharge criticism

The Care Quality Commission CQC which is responsible for reviewing practices at health providers across the UK raised concerns over the hospitals ability to coordinate care for patients when they are discharged to other services The review was designed to see what progress had been made since concerns were first outlined last year The CQC rep... Read More

Expat guide to Switzerland health care

No ome wants a medical operation save the attentionseeker with Munchausens syndrome But if you need one Switzerland is as good a place as any Provided you arent paying Switzerlands carefully burnished image of high quality alongside high cost is well preserved within medicine Its hospitals and primary care are first class while overall expenditure... Read More