Osborne Park Hospital

Name :

Osborne Park Hospital

Address  :

Osborne Place

Town  :


State  :

Western Australia

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

08 9346 8000

Fax  :

08 9346 8008

Web URL  :


Welcome to Osborne Park Hospital part of North Metropolitan Area Health Service

Established in 1962 Osborne Park Hospital is a 205bed capacity community general hospital providing comprehensive specialist health care services for the north metropolitan suburbs Its specialist services include obstetrics and gynaecology anaesthetics general surgery orthopaedics ophthalmology urology gastroenterology paediatric surgery ear nose and throat surgery general medicine and rehabilitation of the aged and extended care

The hospital features three operating theatres and endoscopy suite six wards including a same day care area and allied health services Onsite pathology PathWest and radiology services SKG Radiology are available A major 12 million building project has provided new stateofthe art facilities including an Operating Suite with three theatres endoscopy suites day procedure units and management office accommodation

Also located on the Osborne Park Hospital campus are the mental health facilities of Osborne Community Adult Mental Health Service adult outpatient clinic and Osborne Park Older Adult Mental Health Service inpatient and community services

As part of the North Metropolitan Area Health Service NorthWest which also includes Sir Charles Gairdner Group Hospital Area Mental Health Service and Population Health Program Osborne Park Hospital participates in areawide partnerships to augment and enhance health care delivery

OPH is accredited by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards and has the longest accreditation 16 years of any metropolitan secondary hospital The accreditation process is voluntary and the decision to seek accreditation reflects our sincere commitment to quality patient care at all times and across all services

New fight over risks to children of passive smoking

THE Government has launched an advertising campaign on the hidden dangers of secondhand smoke to young children New TV and radio adverts in England will show that smoking by a window or the back door does not protect youngsters from harmful effects According to figures from the Royal College of Physicians millions of children in the UK are ex... Read More

The Oppressed Women

Low literacy of women in the world Over 110 million of the worlds children two thirds of them girls are not in school Of the worlds 875 million illiterate adults two thirds are women Two thirds of the worlds children who receive less than four years of education are girls Worldwide more than half the population of women over age 15 years cannot re... Read More