Morpeth Cottage Hospital

Name :

Morpeth Cottage Hospital

Address  :

South Road

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

NE61 2BT

Phone  :

01670 395 600

Web URL  :


Morpeth Cottage Hospital is situated off the A1 on the approach road into the historic town of Morpeth It is a community hospital which provides specialist rehabilitation care for older people It also has an outpatients department for all ages offering a range of clinics for conditions such as orthopaedics and dermatology The hospital is set in its own grounds with attractive gardens

There are 83 beds spread over three wards in the hospital specialising in a range of rehabilitation care including stroke and orthopaedics Hospital based Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy staff liaise closely with wards working as part of a multidisciplinary team There is also a Day Hospital which offers assessment and rehabilitation for older people

The hospital has limited free car parking in its grounds There are catering facilities for visitors in the ground floor cafeacute offering a range of meals snacks hot and cold drinks at lunchtimes and early evening
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