Moretonhampstead Hospital


Name :

Moretonhampstead Hospital

Address  :

Ford Street

Town  :

Newton Abbot

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

TQ13 8LN

Phone  :

01647 440217

Fax  :

01647 440771

Web URL  :

Not Available
Scotland failing on trauma care say surgeons

SCOTLAND is lagging behind other developed countries in its provision of care for victims of major trauma and needs to radically overhaul its approach medical experts have warned A report by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh said death rates for severely injured patients who are alive when reaching hospital is 40 per cent higher in the ... Read More

Can technology help overcome Australias healthcare challenges

Australia similar to other more mature markets in the Asia Pacific is increasingly facing a number of healthcare challenges Continued population growth demands for increased access to highquality healthcare an aging population shortage of clinicians and increasing budgetary pressures in healthcare institutions are just some of the issues faced by a... Read More