Mem Hosp Of Lafayette County

Name :

Mem Hosp Of Lafayette County

Address  :

800 Clay Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

608 776 4466

Web URL  :

  • Cardiology
  • ENT
  • Gynaecology
  • Neurologist
  • Orthopedics
  • Podiatry
  • Urology
  • Vascular Surgeon

Total Number Of Beds : 25

Other Facilities

  • CT/MRI


About Memorial Hospital of Lafayette County
Memorial Hospital of Lafayette County MHLC was built in 1952 and continues to grow to meet the health care needs of Lafayette County citizens and the surrounding area As a 25bed critical access hospital MHLC provides a full range of acute care inpatient and outpatient services Inpatient services include medical care major and minor surgery obstetrics newborn nursery orthopedics cardiac care and pharmacy services Outpatient services include a six chair renal dialysis unit multi slice CT scan ultrasound peripheral vascular testing ACR and MQSA accredited mammography program MRI amp MRA scans nuclear medicine PETCT scan bone densitometry general radiography extensive lab services cardiac amp pulmonary rehab physical therapy occupational therapy speech therapy respiratory therapy pulmonary function testing sleep studies dietary counseling and day care surgeries The Outpatient Clinic has specialty providers available to see patients in Audiology Cardiology Cardiac Pacer Clinic Diabetic Education DialysisNephrology Endocrinology ENT General Surgery Gynecology Neurology Orthopedics Podiatry Urology and Vascular Surgery MHLC also receives services from Nurse Anesthetists Pathologist Pharmacist and Radiologists
Patients To Rate Their Hospital Treatment

A new test to improve care in hospitals in England will allow patients to rate the treatment they receive The quotfriends and family testquot will ask people whether they would recommend the hospital to their loved ones The Prime Minister said the data will give people a clear idea of where to get the best care The results will be publishe... Read More

Not in the pink of health

In India 125 lakh babies die within a year of being born which is one in every four infant deaths in the world making the countrys infant mortality rate of 471000 live births a lot worse than neighbouring Nepal Sri Lanka and Bangladesh Childbirth complications pneumonia and diarrhoeal infections cause two in three infant deaths under the a... Read More