Mayo Eugenio Litta Childrens Hospital


Name :

Mayo Eugenio Litta Childrens Hospital

Address  :

1216 Second St. S.W

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Phone  :

507 255 5123

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Mayo Eugenio Litta Childrens Hospital is an 85bed facility located within Saint Marys Hospital It is part of Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minn Our hospital is a place where infants children and adolescents with the support of their families receive high quality medical care in a comfortable caring environment

Patients have access to all of the expertise and services of Mayo Clinic More than 150 physicians and numerous other professionals at Mayo specialize in the care of children See Child And Adolescent Medicine Each year Mayo Clinic treats more than 45000 children and adolescents including 3000 hospitalized pediatric patients Read more about Mayos capabilities

Scotland failing on trauma care say surgeons

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Early antibiotics for blood poisoning could save thousands of lives doctor says

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