Market Harborough and Disrict Hospital

Name :

Market Harborough and Disrict Hospital

Address  :

58 Coventry Road

Town  :

Market Harborough

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

LE16 9DD

Phone  :

01858 410500

Fax  :

01858 438150

Web URL  :

Not Available


Market Harborough District Hospital is situated within easy walking distance of the town centre We have an out patient department which covers all the major specialties 14 inpatient beds Endoscopy Suite Podiatry Clinic XRay Minor Injuries Unit Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Harborough Community Services such as District Nurses and Health Visitors are also based here
Stafford Hospital targets bowel cancer in under60s

Stafford Hospital has become the first in the UK to employ a dedicated nurse for bowel cancer in the under 60s Cancer support charity Macmillan has supplied the nurse who will look for the condition in people as young as 18 to the Mid Staffordshire Trust The post is partly funded by a charity run by Christine Woodward whose son died from t... Read More

astrotech india test article

Astrotech India provides topclass web based solutions leveraging technology delivered by highly skilled people We do business with an open eye continuously measuring and evaluating the consequences and impact of our actions We strive to achieve our objectives in an environment of fairness honesty and courtesy towards our clients employees and vend... Read More