Lomack Health

Name :

Lomack Health

Address  :

162 Bedford Road

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

MK42 8BH

Phone  :

01234 844030

Fax  :

01234 840094

Web URL  :


Lomack Health is an independent healthcare company founded to provide a broad range of medical and healthcare services to both individuals and organisations
Our vision is to provide the highest standard of service based on our philosophy of individual clientcentred care We are committed to Excellence Quality amp Service

Medical Director Dr Lawrence Odunsi MBBS MRCOG MFFP AFOM Certification and Member of the Society of Occupational Medicine
NHS General Medical Practitioner In Bedford for twelve years

Special interests occupational health aviation amp diving medicine health social and community care for people with learning disabilities
Care plan concerns at psychiatric hospital

WATCHDOGS say a private psychiatric hospital in Winchfield needs to improve The Care Quality Commission CQC had two moderate concerns after two inspections of the Vista Healthcare Independent Hospital in Old Potbridge Road It was in December last year that the health watchdog twice visited the hospital which has room for 69 people across six... Read More

Laser attacks on pilots are on the rise records show

OTTAWAPilots flying in Canadian skies are getting hit with blinding lasers more than ever sparking calls for a crackdown on a problem that experts say threatens passenger safety Nationwide reports of aircraft getting hit with lasers was up dramatically in 2011 to 229 up from 183 in 2010 a 25 per cent jump And the trend shows little sign of abat... Read More