Lings Bar Hospital

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Lings Bar Hospital

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0115 945 5577

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Not Available


Services offered by us Four inpatient wards dedicated to older persons rehabilitation Specialist physiotherapy outpatient clinic Falls outpatient clinic Dermatology outpatient clinic led by a nurse consultant and GP with special interest Services offered by Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust Day Hospital with 20 places for mental services for older people Outpatients clinic
UK surgeons are the first to operate in 3D

A team at Manchester Royal Infirmary hospital England claim to be the first surgeons to perform keyhole surgery using 3D cameras and monitors and embarrassingly clunky spectacles Furthermore if that wasnt hightech enough the lead surgeon also performed the surgery using a handheld robotic claw 3D vision during surgery makes perfect sense After ... Read More

When healthcare seeks help

Even as hospitals increasingly adopt cloud computing there are still a lot of hurdles in the way Dr Devi Shetty Chairman and MD Narayana HruduyalayaNH wants to change the dynamics of healthcare in India He is changing the dynamics of hospitals by setting up beds at the lowest cost in as little time as possible To facilitate this NH recently tied... Read More