Leighton Road Surgery


Name :

Leighton Road Surgery

Address  :

1 Leighton Road

Town  :

Leighton Buzzard

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

01525 372571

Fax  :

01525 850414

Web URL  :


About us
The surgery has been established in Leighton Buzzard for over 40 years During this time the practice has grown in size and reputation We are very proud of this reputation for providing top quality healthcare

The surgery is situated centrally in Leighton Buzzard and offers modern well equipped accommodation

The Practice Team consists of 50 members of staff including Doctors Nurses Dispensers Therapists Receptionists admin and Domestic Staff We all aim to provide you with the best possible primary health care

We offer a comprehensive range of medical and preventative services aim to cater for your health needs within the Practice whenever possible

The Practice is a Training Practice for doctors who want to become General Practitioners GPs so we usually have a GP registrar working with us as part of their professional training

We have over 13000 patients registered with us and offer over 50000 consultations each year

The Practice is a member of and accounts to NHS Bedfordshire who are responsible for the provision and planning of health care across this area

The Practice has excellent working relationships with local hospitals Community Health Practitioners Social Services Pharmacies Voluntary Groups and Local Authorities Through the surgery patients can access many other services and organisations
Handwashing found to cut hospital superbug infections

Handwashing helped slash rates of infection of methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA and C difficile in hospitals British researchers have found After the quotCleanyourhandsquot campaign rolled out at hospitals in England and Wales between 2004 and 2008 infection rates for the antibioticresistant strains fell The bacterial infections c... Read More

Losing Weight Slowly and Steadily

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