Kent County Memorial Hospital

Name :

Kent County Memorial Hospital

Address  :

455 Toll Gate Road

Town  :


State  :


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Post Code:


Phone  :

401 737 7000

Web URL  :

Email  :


Our Mission
Kent Hospital is devoted to continually improving the health and wellbeing of the people and communities we serve offering our essential services without regard for ability to pay

Our Vision for 2010
By 2010 Kent Hospital will be one of the best regional hospitals in New England preferred by patients staff and physicians for its quality safety and service

Our Long Term Vision Statement
Our vision is to be one of the best regional hospitals in the nation by providing the highest quality of care

Our Values
At Kent Hospital we put the patient and their families at the center of all we do In our daytoday interactions with patients and each other our actions and decisions are guided by the following core values

Kindness We treat everyone with understanding and caring

Excellence We demonstrate unparalleled quality in all we do

New Ideas We encourage lifelong learning continual improvement and

Trust We can be counted on to always place our patients interests first

Collaboration We work in partnerships with those around us including our

Accountability We hold ourselves accountable for the impact of our

Respect We treat each person with dignity respecting the diverse needs of
those we serve

Ethics We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards


Kent Hospital is a 359bed nonprofit acute care hospital serving approximately 300000 residents of Warwick West Warwick East Greenwich West Greenwich Coventry and parts of North Kingstown Exeter and Cranston Rhode Island

Kent is located on 57 acres in the Toll Gate section of Warwick 11 miles south of Providence and is the second largest singlesite hospital in the state

Chartered by the State of Rhode Island in 1946 Kent opened with 90 beds in 1951 and expanded in 1960 1973 and 1981 to keep pace with community growth Today Kent provides a full compliment of inpatient services including cardiology and extended coronary care infectious disease primary care oncology orthopedics obstetrics and gynecology pediatrics rehabilitation and surgery In addition the hospital offers a comprehensive range of outpatient services including cardiac catheterization chemotherapy diagnostic imaging and surgery The hospital also operates a Womens Diagnostic Imaging Center and a Wound Recovery Center and provides laboratory and primary care services at various sites throughout the community

Kent Hospital has more than 2300 employees a medical staff of more than 600 a volunteer corps of 250 and 350 auxilians

Kents Emergency Services Department is the second busiest in the state with some 60000 annual visits In 1985 an Express Treatment Unit opened to reduce the waiting time for treatment of minor injuries and illnesses
Inadequate NHS diabetes care causing patients harm

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