Jessop Wing

Name :

Jessop Wing

Address  :

Tree Root Walk

Town  :


State  :

South Yorkshire

Country  :


Post Code:

S10 2SF

Phone  :

0114 271 1900

Web URL  :

  • Gynaecology
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist

Total Number Of Beds : 22


The Jessop Wing opened in 2001 and is a purpose built maternity unit where approximately 7000 babies are born every year

In addition to a 22 bed labour ward there are three postnatal wards and one antenatal ward an admission Triage area and a High Dependency Unit One of the postnatal wards specialises in caring for women who have had a caesarean section In addition the Jessop Wing Community Midwifery Service attend approximately 200 homebirths per year

The Jessop Wing also provides neonatal intensive care and special care for sick and premature babies born in Sheffield and those transferred from other units who require this expertise

On the ground floor of the Jessop Wing is the Antenatal Clinic and Gynaecology Outpatient Clinic The Gynaecology Service also includes two wards on G Floor of the Royal Hallamshire Hospital

The Jessop Wing also has an Assisted Conception Unit for women who require this specialist treatment

The Jessop Wing has disabled access and there are facilities for the disabled
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