Jay County Hospital

Name :

Jay County Hospital

Address  :

500 West Votaw Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

260 726 7131

Web URL  :


Who We Are
Welcome from R Joe Johnston CEO

We are excited to have you here with us and know you will find the information within this website to be current easytofind and helpful The Jay County Hospital has been a part of the Portland and surrounding communities since 1906 with a longstanding track record for quality care from our physicians employees and volunteers It is my privilege to serve you along with our entire staff

Our Mission
Jay County Hospital is your progressive comprehensive trusted health care leader dedicated to improving the health of all we serve providing excellent compassionate and cost effective care

Jay County Hospital is a critical access hospital and provides comprehensive care from diagnosis to recovery in the full range of emergency medical and surgical subspecialties

Jay County Hospital Board
Our Jay County Hospital Board members work hard to ensure that our community receives the highest quality health care available
Sharon Hammers
Bill Hinkle
Debbie Kummer
David Littler
Roger Locker
Patrick Miller
John Nill
One in seven patients wait longer than six months for operations

One in seven patients wait longer than six months to be admitted to hospital for operations as critics warned that the Coalition is losing control of NHS waiting times An extra 150000 patients have been caught up in increased delays since the Coalition came to power according to a patient survey Patients also complained in larger numbers about th... Read More

People With Alzheimers Disease and Related Dementias Speak Out

quotI want to do as much as I can before this thing cuts me offquot quotThis thingquot is Vascular Dementia a form of dementia resulting from a single or multiple strokes Cynthia Williams wants you to know what its like to live with dementia quotI want people to know how humiliating it is to be treated like someone who has something so terrib... Read More