Hythe Continuing Care Centre


Name :

Hythe Continuing Care Centre

Address  :

10307 100 Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T0H 2C0

Phone  :

780 356 3818

Fax  :

780 356 3633

Web URL  :

Sharp Memorial Named Most Beautiful Hospital in the World

San Diegos Sharp Memorial Hospital has been dubbed the Most Beautiful Hospital in the World by the health care information network and publication HealthExecNewscom Sharp Memorial located at 7901 Frost St topped a list of 25 hospitals across the US and countries such as Austria Canada China Switzerland and the UK who were applauded for their i... Read More

Solution to hospital problem

Sudburys Health Science North HSN like many other hospitals in Canada is in crisis Recent Emergency room wait times are 19 hours long 4th worse in Ontario As a tertiary health centre the people of Manitoulin depend on this regional hospital to support our local hospitals and staff The HSN staff is frustrated The patients are abandoned in hallwa... Read More