Hurley Clinic

Name :

Hurley Clinic

Address  :

Ebenezer House
Kennington Lane

Town  :


State  :

Greater London

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Post Code:

SE11 4HJ

Phone  :

020 7735 7918

Fax  :

020 7587 5296

Web URL  :

Hurley Clinic
New drug may halt spread of killer hospital bug

A new antibiotic could help stem the spread of a notorious hospital bug by preventing recurrent infections new research suggests Almost 27000 cases of the Clostridium difficile C diff infection were reported in the UK last year In 2010 C diff caused 2704 deaths The bug spread by poor personal hygiene mostly afflicts people with weakened immun... Read More

Early antibiotics for blood poisoning could save thousands of lives doctor says

A Winnipeg doctor has a plan to save as many as 5000 Canadian lives for little cost Providing antibiotics to patients with severe sepsis a form of blood poisoning caused by infections soon after they roll through hospital doors Though it sounds simple enough some hospitals for both bureaucratic and philosophical reasons are not willing to jump on... Read More