Holy Cross Hospital surrey

Name :

Holy Cross Hospital surrey

Address  :

Hindhead Road

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

GU27 1NQ

Phone  :

01428 643311

Fax  :

01428 644007

Web URL  :


Holy Cross Hospital is owned by the Congregation of the Daughters of the Cross a registered charity for the promotion of healthcare and education The Sisters founded the Hospital in Haslemere in 1917 as a sanatorium for treatment of Tuberculosis It has seen many changes over the years and benefits from having a modern building that opened in 1992 and suits the needs of patients and staff

The aim of Holy Cross Hospital is to take forward the mission of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Cross by serving people who are sick or suffering and their families

The Hospital offers services that are not generally available locally through the National Health Service In particular it has developed services for people with severe disability including such longterm conditions as head injury brain damage or illness of the nervous system Many patients are referred by a NHS Hospital and their treatment is funded by the NHS

Some patients require the Hospitals services over long periods and a homelike environment is especially helpful for them and their families while at the same time having facilities to meet the expected range of clinical needs and treatments

The Hospital responds to needs of local people for instance by providing outpatient services in the Physiotherapy Centre and hosting a Social Club for people who have had a stroke
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