Holroyd Private Hospital

Name :

Holroyd Private Hospital

Address  :

123 Chetwynd Road

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State  :

New South Wales

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Phone  :

612 9681 2222

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The New Vision For Holroyd Private Hospital
To improve the physical emotional and spiritual wellbeing of people through superior quality health care and health promotion

We are committed to continuous improvement in everything that we do

The family of Holroyd Private Hospital is committed to operating with the highest standards of integrity honesty safety and cleanliness

Good health is priceless and is our first priority as nothing of importance can be achieved without it We will set an example for a healthy lifestyle

We will treat all people as guests in our hospital We will treat them as we would treat our friends our relatives and as we would want to be treated ourselves

We are responsible to our patients to all of the people working with us to our clinical and other professionals and to the society we serve We are committed to the highest possible standards in our relationships with all segments of society whether they be patients suppliers governments or the general public

We will be a learning hospital where all people will be encouraged to reach their full potential

We believe in the vital role of private medicine in health care

Profit like breathing is indispensable and essential for us to achieve our higher purpose We are committed to strict financial control based on uncompromising honesty so that we will be able to achieve our higher purpose

Ever improving quality of service and customer satisfaction and to treat all people at the hospital as guests

To build on the enormous achievements of years to date

Achieve financial performance as per budget

By active marketing by all members of the Holroyd team to all doctors now bringing patients to the hospital

To achieve increased bed occupancy by marketing to new doctors in appropriate specialities

To take full advantage of the special opportunity available by marketing laser surgery

Operational manuals suitable to franchise achievements of Holroyd Private Hospital

Explore acquisitions of facilities synergistic with Holroyd Private Hospital


The History of Holroyd Private Hospital
The site on which Holroyd Private Hospital stands was part of a land grant in 1815 to James Meehan an Irishman who arrived in Australia as a convict in 1800

The building was originally constructed in 1864 as a private home being among the first built in the district It was owned by Rabbi Davis

The next people to own the property were a French couple Mr amp Mrs Arthur Louat Mrs Louat was a well known opera singer of the day We have had among our patients at the hospital an old lady who recalled attending a ball hosted by the Louats The ballroom was situated on the first floor where the Board Room and Medical Records are now located

Hospital folklore believes that the ghost of Mary Louat still walks the corridors on the first floor The death of Mary is believed to have resulted under suspicious circumstances but the actual events that led to her death are unclear

In 1926 the property was obtained by Mr H A Vernon an estate agent who subdivided the twentytwo 22 acres into five 5 acre lots The hospital is situated on part of one of these subdivisions

After its glory of being an elegant residence the home was used as a guest house Another patient a middle aged quotexbikiequot claimed to have ridden his motor bike up and down the staircase in the hospitals boarding house days

The original sit and building was first established as a hospital in 1961 and was known as Guildford Heights Private Hospital The hospital proprietors were Mr amp Mrs Franks who spent pound15000 converting the residence to a 30 bed maternity and convalescent hospital which was opened on 13 May 1961 An operating theatre was added to the facility in 1962 the original theatre is now the High Dependency Unit Room 7

Adam Picknell weighing 93 and 34 ounces was the first baby born at Guildford Heights Private Hospital in August 1961

In 1964 the hospital was sold to Mr amp Mrs Sydney Watkins The Watkins carried out renovations and extensions which included the provision of a new operating suite ward areas kitchen and laundry The theatre being one of the first in a private hospital to be equipped with a laminar flow wall was still operational until 1998 The extensions were completed in 1977 and the number of licensed beds had increased to fortythree 43 beds six 6 cots and five 5 recovery beds

The hospital again changed hands in 1979 when it was sold to Mr amp Mrs Peter Crombie on 13 August 1979 The hospital continued to run as a Medical Surgical hospital during this period

The hospital has been sold twice since the Crombie years both sales resulting in unfortunate outcomes The first acquisition was on 27 May 1988 by Hoscare Management Pty Ltd Mr Alex Norton being one of the major directors In late 1990 however Hoscare Management went into liquidation and the hospital was again sold to a company known as Castmont Pty Ltd which was owned and operated by Dr Tufig Shah on 24 January 1991

After completing stage 1A of a three 3 stage upgrade programme of the hospital including the provision of a second operating theatre and some facelift renovations to two of the ward areas and instigating a name change to Holroyd Private Hospital in 1992 Castmont Pty Ltd went into receivership in July 1993

In August 1994 the hospital was bought by Daytona Pty Ltd which originally consisted of Doran Healthcare Services and Kaizen Pty Ltd Doran Healthcare Services sold their share to Kaizen in July 1995

Daytona Pty Ltd immediately commenced a multimillion rebuilding programme that took almost a year to achieve the 5Star experience you see today Large modern suites feature onsuite facilities TVs telephone inhouse videos and nurse call system

The hospital now has a purpose built Day Surgery Unit three 3 operating theatres and eight 8 bed recovery unit onsite radiology and is fully accredited offering the highest medical standards and outstanding personalised patient care

There have been six 6 Directors of Nursing at Holroyd Private Hospital nee Guildford Heights Private Hospital since its inception in 1961 HM Bojack being the first She was followed by Terry Lalley Thelma Smith Halley from 1965 to 1975 Carol McKellar from 1975 to 1980 Joan Siggs from 1980 to 1993 Cathy Doran 1993 to 1995 Sally Holmes 1995 to 2000 presently the hospital is managed by Helen Fraser

Holroyd Private Hospital is committed to customer service and has implemented a comprehensive Total Quality Management Programme that ensures our facility is continuously improved to provide a world class standard of care
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