Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Name :

Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Address  :

99 Waverley Road

Town  :

St Albans

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

01727 897700

Fax  :

01727 857900

Web URL  :


About Us
The Trust is committed to providing excellent health and social care for both people with mental ill health and those with a learning disability We aim to provide services which make a positive difference to the lives of service users and their carers

The partnership arrangements with the local authority provide an excellent opportunity to develop a recovery approach based on holistic assessment of both health and social care needs Service user and carer centrality underpinned by the principles of choice control and independence facilitates an integrated approach

The Trust has an outstanding track record of service delivery and quality It is currently rated as excellent for quality of service provision and excellent for the Use of Resources by the Healthcare Commission as part of the Annual Health Check

Our vision
to be the leading provider of mental health and specialist learning disability services in the country

To be a leading provider we must offer high quality care with excellent treatment outcomes within a safe environment which meets the needs of service users

Our vision is underpinned by eight goals which inform our entire strategy

To deliver high quality integrated health and social care services in
accordance with recovery principles

To be the provider of choice for service users carers the community and

To work in partnership with the community to promote the wellbeing of others
whilst making a positive contribution to the environment

To be the employer of choice where staff are highly valued well supported
and rewarded

To create a dynamic and flexible working environment where staff are
motivated and committed to providing high quality care

To embed a learning culture where staff develop their full potential and
deliver excellent care

To ensure a sustainable future through income growth and efficient use of

To be an innovative and learning organisation that embraces new and modern
approaches to health and social care
Avastin Has Similar Effect to Lucentis in Treating Most Common Cause of Blindness in the Developed W

The findings will also appear online shortly in the leading journal Ophthalmology Wet AMD is a common cause of loss of vision in older people In the UK around 70 per cent of people will experience severe loss of sight within two years of being diagnosed For four years a team of scientists and eye specialists from 23 hospitals and UK universities ... Read More

Currys ability to fight bowel cancer will be put to the test in rigorous trial

A UK trial is investigating whether a curry ingredient can improve the treatment of patients with advanced bowel cancer Scientists will supplement standard chemotherapy with pills containing curcumin a compound found in the yellow curry spice turmeric Laboratory tests have suggested that curcumin can boost the ability of chemotherapy drugs to k... Read More