Hendon Way Surgery

Name :

Hendon Way Surgery

Address  :

67 Elliot Road

Town  :


State  :

Greater London

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

020 8102 9830

Fax  :

020 8202 8378

Web URL  :

  • Daibetes, Endocrinology
  • General Surgeon
  • Health Check Up
  • Paediatrics


We aim to provide all of our patients with a comprehensive range of healthcare services covering oneoff problems to longer term illnesses Hendon Way Surgery is a wellestablished patient cantered GP Surgery that has operated in this locality for many years We are a General Medical Services GMS Practice Our GPs assess diagnose treat and manage illness They carry out screening for some diseases and promote general health and wellbeing

Hendon Way Surgery aims to provide high quality health care in a responsive supportive courteous and costeffective manner We also aim to provide easy access to a wide range of quality medical services and to treat all patients with dignity and respect providing the same care irrespective of race gender religion age or medical condition We will

Provide a service which puts patient welfare at the heart of all we do Work within the framework of NHS Primary Care Services to provide professional medical nursing and other services which meet the identified needs of patients
Promote best practice through utilising specialist expertise within the practice team and
Externally and encouraging the continuous professional development of all members of the practice team

The practice has always prided itself on providing high quality medicine in a traditional family practice setting and that has been the unwritten rule for many years We believe we are respected by our peers and we have built a positive relationship with our consultant colleagues One of our partner is a GP trainer and learning and education is an important part of what we do


We aim to provide all of our patients with a comprehensive range of healthcare services covering oneoff problems to longer term illnesses Hendon Way Surgery is a wellestablished patient cantered GP Surgery that has operated in this locality for many years We are a General Medical Services GMS Practice Our GPs assess diagnose treat and manage illness They carry out screening for some diseases and promote general health and wellbeing

Hendon Way Surgery aims to provide high quality health care in a responsive supportive courteous and costeffective manner We also aim to provide easy access to a wide range of quality medical services and to treat all patients with dignity and respect providing the same care irrespective of race gender religion age or medical condition We will

Provide a service which puts patient welfare at the heart of all we do Work within the framework of NHS Primary Care Services to provide professional medical nursing and other services which meet the identified needs of patients
Promote best practice through utilising specialist expertise within the practice team and
Externally and encouraging the continuous professional development of all members of the practice team

The practice has always prided itself on providing high quality medicine in a traditional family practice setting and that has been the unwritten rule for many years We believe we are respected by our peers and we have built a positive relationship with our consultant colleagues One of our partner is a GP trainer and learning and education is an important part of what we do
Age UK opens new support service for the elderly at Stamford Hospital

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Take the Sting Out of Shots

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