Heatherwood Hospital

Name :

Heatherwood Hospital

Address  :

London Road

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

01344 623333

Fax  :

01344 874340

Web URL  :


Total Number Of Beds : 42

Other Facilities

  • CT/MRI


Facilities include

14bedded orthopaedic day surgery unit and 28 elective orthopaedic beds

A Minor Injuries Unit with approximately 20000 attendances per year

A Childrens Centre open 8am 6pm for direct referrals and GPs accessing outpatients

Six theatres a shortstay surgery unit day surgery unit and endoscopy suite

Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy

Diagnostics including MRI and CT scanner

the Ascot Birthing Centre

The Ascot Birthing Centre is a standalone midwiferyled birthing unit situated on Ward 7 This unit is available for prospective mothers who fall into the low risk category For more information please see the Maternity Services Heatherwood pages under For Patients

Heatherwood offers a coinoperated wheelchair loan service These wheelchairs which can be collected from the porters lodge by the chapel cost pound1 and will assist visitors and carers to transport less mobile patients around the site The pound1 fee is fully refundable on return of the wheelchair to the original collection point
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