Hants Community Hospital


Name :

Hants Community Hospital

Address  :

89 Payzant Drive

Town  :


State  :

Nova Scotia

Country  :


Post Code:

B0N 2T0

Phone  :

902 792 2000

Fax  :

902 798 6002

Web URL  :


Hants Community Hospital is located in Windsor Nova Scotia It serves the communities of Windsor Hantsport the Municipality of West Hants and portions of the Municipality of East Hants There are 34 acute care beds onsite Four of these beds are intermediate care beds At present we have four additional ALC beds
Large city hospitals breed and spread MRSA

Hospitals in large cities are the breeding grounds of the superbug MRSA which then spreads to other hospitals as patients are transferred researchers believe The Edinburgh University team made the discovery by tracking MRSAs movements using its genetic code as a tag In the study the infection started its journey in large city centre hospitals... Read More

Losing Weight Slowly and Steadily

At one time or another half the women and a quarter of the men in this country have tried to lose weight The ones destined to try again and again are most likely those looking for shortcuts There are none The only way to step off the diet treadmill is to find a weightloss program that helps you lose weight slowly and steadily one that trains you to... Read More