Gloucester Royal Hospital

Name :

Gloucester Royal Hospital

Address  :

Great Western Road

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

08454 222 222

Web URL  :

  • Cardiology
  • Dermatology
  • ENT
  • Neurologist
  • Oncologist
  • Paediatrics
  • Urology

Total Number Of Beds : 239


Gloucestershire Royal Hospital has recently benefited from major improvements including investment of pound50 million In 2005 new buildings opened housing stateoftheart departments and wards Included within the new buildings are the new outpatients departments childrens centre therapies unit new endoscopy suite assessment and rehabilitation centre cardiology wards and coronary care unit medical admissions unit and a large airy atrium where you can find a cafeacute shop comfortable waiting areas and health Information Room for patients and visitors

Specialist services found at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital are renal and haemo dialysis paediatric oncology inpatients neurology rheumatology dermatology and ENT are provided for the whole county

There is a Patient Advice and Liaison Service PALS situated in the main hospital concourse close to the Tower Entrance There is a second PALS office in the Main Atrium in the new buildings The PALS staff are available to give information advice and support to patients and their families and friends about treatment and other issues or worries they may have The PALS office can be contacted on Tel 08454 226831

Another service for patients and visitors within the new buildings is a Health Information Room where patients and families can drop in and find out about a wide range of health issues including health promotion smoking cessation healthy eating and information about specific conditions

Fosters Restaurant is open to visitors it is a large pleasant selfservice dining area selling hot and cold meals and snacks Fosters can be found at the foot of the Tower It is open from 8am 830pm 7 days a week Within the new buildings there is a modern attractive WRVS cafeacute run by the WRVS also providing a range of hot and cold snacks There is cafeacute style seating and a comfortable seating area within the conservatorystyle Atrium The cafeacute is open 930am 7pm Monday Tuesday and Friday and 930am 4pm Wednesday and Thursday

One Stop Dispensing and Near Patient Pharmacist are two recent key developments to the way pharmacists work at the hospital which mean less waiting for patients and improvements to prescribing

The Trust is NonSmoking and has had complete SmokeFree status throughout its grounds as well as buildings since March 2006
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