Erith and District Hospital


Name :

Erith and District Hospital

Address  :

Park Crescent

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

020 8308 3131

Web URL  :

Not Available


We are a newly formed acute NHS organisation providing a full range of high quality NHS health care to the people of South East London and more specifically to the communities living in the London Boroughs of Bexley Bromley and Greenwich

We are a newly formed acute NHS organisation providing a full range of high quality NHS health care to the people of South East London and more specifically to the communities living in the London Boroughs of Bexley Bromley and Greenwich We serve over a million people employ over 6000 staff and have an annual budget of over pound400million making us one of the largest NHS hospital trusts in the country
Care at Epsom and St Helier hospitals improving

A survey has shown care is improving at Epsom and St Helier hospitals but is not among the best in the country The Care Quality Commissions NHS inpatient survey 2011 was based on feedback from 426 patients who used the hospitals Its findings showed 88 per cent of patients rated their care as good or excellent and 96 per cent of respondents th... Read More

The Lean Hospital

More facilities using Toyota methods to improve every step of care from inventory to discharge by Carol Berczuk What does being lean have to do with operating a hospital Well when youre talking about the lean method known as the Toyota Production System it just may be what puts hospitals back in the drivers seat of their bottom lines Six y... Read More