Ellen Badger Hospital


Name :

Ellen Badger Hospital

Address  :

Stratford Road

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

CV36 4AX

Phone  :

01608 661410

Fax  :

01608 663373

Web URL  :

Not Available


The Ellen Badger COmmunity Hospital offers inpatient and outpatient services for people living in the locality We are a rehabilitation unit with on site physiotherapy occupattional therapy xray outpatient clinics and a 24hour minor injury unit There is a day unit attached to the hospital together with community nursing services and social services
Heart shrinking trial to combat heart failure to begin

A trial using electricity to shrink the hearts of patients with heart failure is about to start in Liverpool It will involve electrically stimulating one of the nerves leading to the heart which it is hoped could shrink the heart and improve life expectancy This is the first trial of the technique in humans after it was shown to keep rats and... Read More

Calgary Hospitals ICU Recognized for Combining Functional Design with Humanitarian Delivery of Care

Newswise The American Association of CriticalCare Nurses AACN will present the ICU Design Citation to Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary Canada during the 2012 National Teaching Institute amp Critical Care Exposition Orlando Fla May 1924 Foothills receives the award to recognize the patient and familyfocused elements incorporated into the design ... Read More