East Leake Health Centre

Name :

East Leake Health Centre

Address  :

Gotham Road

Town  :

East Leake

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

LE12 6JG

Phone  :

01509 852181

Fax  :

01509 852099

Web URL  :


Originally this was a small scattered rural practice run by a single doctor in Costock After the war the village became a development area with the population expanding from 2000 to 6000 in little more than a decade and the practice moved to East Leake The Health Centre was the first in Nottinghamshire and opened in 1968

The list size at East Leake is 8500 The majority of our patients live in or close to East Leake but the practice also covers around 1500 patients in rural villages in Leicestershire amp Nottinghamshire

In December 2005 we took over the management of the Church House Surgery in Ruddington Nottingham on behalf of the Primary Care Trust The list size at Ruddington is 2500 This arrangement became permanent in October 2006

Across both sites the practice covers some 100 square miles


History of the Practice
Originally this was a small scattered rural practice run by a single doctor in Costock After the war the village became a development area with the population expanding from 2000 to 6000 in little more than a decade and the practice moved to East Leake The Health Centre was the first in Nottinghamshire and opened in 1968

The list size at East Leake is 8800 The majority of our patients live in or close to East Leake but the practice also covers around 1500 patients in rural villages in Leicestershire amp Nottinghamshire

In December 2005 we took over the management of the Church House Surgery in Ruddington Nottingham on behalf of the Primary Care Trust The list size at Ruddington is 2300 This arrangement became permanent in October 2006

Across both sites the practice covers some 100 square miles
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